Company Packages
Bring your company to Beitostølen! We offer a number of different outdoor activities all year round the mountains.
Choose from activities such as team building or a guided mountain hike. We are able to adapt the duration, and physical level of the activity to your group's wishes. No previous mountain experience is required.
Maybe you are looking for team building activities to strengthen your team or wanting to have a fun, new experience together? We offer activities all year round. We offer ready-made packages or the opportunity to tailor your activity program to suit your needs. Click on the links below to read more about the different options we have to offer.
Team Building
The best activity for building relationships between colleagues. A fun and challenging way to develop team spirit. Here, communication skills, collaboration and logical solutions are needed. We have put together some ready-made packages with different themes. Suitable for both small and large groups, available all year round.
Winter Activity Packages
Take your company to the mountains in winter time. Here you can test fast-paced snow activities such as Snowrafting and Airboard. Guaranteed fun and a memorable experience. Choose between either a single or a combination of our winter activities. We have ready-made packages adapted to large and small companies.
Summer Activity Packages
Take your colleagues to new "heights" in the Beito Climbing Park, or hire a mountain guide to take your group over Besseggen. The summer season in the mountains offers wonderful nature experiences on both land and water. Trout fishing, rock climbing, team building, and much more.
Bespoke Packages
We are happy to help plan your stay here at Beitostølen. Need tips on transport, restaurants and accommodation? Want to make your own customized activity day? Get in touch today and we will be happy to help discuss your needs so we can plan the perfect day for your company gathering.
Contact us and we will be happy to help you tailor a package that suits you and your company.
(+47) 924 84 564
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Postboks 64,
2954 Beitostølen

Man -Lørdag:
kl 09:00 til kl 15:00
Vi i Beitostølen Skiskole setter stor pris på at dere har valgt oss
Vi i Beitostølen Skiskole setter stor pris på at dere har valgt oss. For å ivareta deres personvern og sikre at vi behandler deres data på en trygg og ansvarlig måte, ønsker vi å informere dere om vår tilnærming til personvern i samsvar med GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Our terms: By visiting and using this website (, you agree to the terms provided below.
Here are some important points:
1. Innsamling av personopplysninger:
We collect necessary personal information such as names, contact information, and any specifications related to the ski courses. We do this to provide you with the best possible service and tailor the instruction.
2. Bruk av personopplysninger:
Vi bruker informasjonen vi samler inn til å administrere skikursene og aktivitetene, sende relevant kommunikasjon og forbedre våre tjenester. Deres personopplysninger blir kun brukt til formålene de er samlet inn for.
3. Databehandling og lagring: Vi tar alle nødvendige forholdsregler for å beskytte deres personopplysninger. Dataene lagres sikkert og behandles kun av autorisert personell.
4. Deling av informasjon:
We only share your personal data with third parties when it is necessary to conduct the ski courses. This may include partners who provide equipment or other services.
5. Rettigheter:
You have the right to request access to your personal data, correction, deletion, or restriction of processing. Please contact us if you wish to exercise these rights at
We want to assure you that we take privacy seriously, and we are always available for any questions or concerns.
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