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Private lessons at Beitostølen Ski School
Are you looking to improve and learn more with personalized guidance? Look no further than private lessons at Beitostølen Ski School. Our experienced instructors tailor the lessons to your specific needs and desires. We offer private instruction in all disciplines: alpine skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, and telemark.
Private lessons are avalible after 13.15 Monday-Thursday in high season.
All day Friday,Saturday and Sunday
Advantages of private Lessons:
Personalized adaptation:Receive customized instruction that caters to exactly what you need.
Flexible Timing:Choose from various lesson lengths – 50 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes, or 3 hours.
Age limit:
- Alpine private lessons: Minimum age of 4 years.
- Snowboard private lessons: Minimum age of 7 years.
- Cross-country private lessons: Minimum age of 7 years.
Meeting PlaceThe instructor meets you at the bottom of the alpine slope, behind Ola Expressen. For the youngest children, we ask that a guardian accompanies them to the instructor.
Cross-Country Lessons:Meet the instructor inside the ski school office at the Welcome center/Tourist information.
Discount:When you book 3 or more private lessons, we offer a 10% discount
Private Lessons vs. Group Lessons:
- Private Lessons provide personalized attention and are ideal for refining technique.
- Group Lessons are great for learning alongside others at a similar level and age.
Contact us via the form below or email, and we’ll respond promptly with an offer.
Price 2024/25
50 MIN
995 kr
+345 kr / extra participant
90 MIN
1370 kr
+365 kr / ekstra deltagere
120 MIN
1730 kr
+395 kr / ekstra deltagere
3 hours
2460 kr
+430 kr / ekstra deltagere
Do you need help with your booking?
Drop us an email and we'll do our best to help
Price 2024/25
50 minutes NOK995,-
Extra participant NOK345,-
90 minutes NOK 1370,-
Extra participant NOK365,-
120 minutes NOK 1730,-
Extra participant NOK395,-
3 hours NOK 2.460,-
Extra participant NOK430,-
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Postboks 64,
2954 Beitostølen

Man -Lørdag:
kl 09:00 til kl 15:00
Vi i Beitostølen Skiskole setter stor pris på at dere har valgt oss
Vi i Beitostølen Skiskole setter stor pris på at dere har valgt oss. For å ivareta deres personvern og sikre at vi behandler deres data på en trygg og ansvarlig måte, ønsker vi å informere dere om vår tilnærming til personvern i samsvar med GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Our terms: By visiting and using this website (, you agree to the terms provided below.
Here are some important points:
1. Innsamling av personopplysninger:
We collect necessary personal information such as names, contact information, and any specifications related to the ski courses. We do this to provide you with the best possible service and tailor the instruction.
2. Bruk av personopplysninger:
Vi bruker informasjonen vi samler inn til å administrere skikursene og aktivitetene, sende relevant kommunikasjon og forbedre våre tjenester. Deres personopplysninger blir kun brukt til formålene de er samlet inn for.
3. Databehandling og lagring: Vi tar alle nødvendige forholdsregler for å beskytte deres personopplysninger. Dataene lagres sikkert og behandles kun av autorisert personell.
4. Deling av informasjon:
We only share your personal data with third parties when it is necessary to conduct the ski courses. This may include partners who provide equipment or other services.
5. Rettigheter:
You have the right to request access to your personal data, correction, deletion, or restriction of processing. Please contact us if you wish to exercise these rights at
We want to assure you that we take privacy seriously, and we are always available for any questions or concerns.
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