School groups packages
At Beito Aktiv we offer many outdoor sctivities for school groups. Day camps in both summer and winter, - tailor made programs for several days. Beitostølen is a perfect destination for school excursions. Walking distance to most things and many activities to choose from.
Choose between day camp or individual activities. Snowrafting, climbing, park, fishing or mountain climbing. The activity offer changes according to seasons. We are happy to help with further contacts with the local bus companies and accomodation companies
Day camp Summer
Tilbring en dag ute i naturen på sommerleir, omgitt av furuskog i utkanten av Øyangen. I løpet av dagen får barna klatre i klatreparken, delta i teambuilding-aktiviteter, prøve seg på orientering, svømme og kose seg i campen. Knytte nye vinneskaper i nye miljøer.
Day camp Winter
Vintercampen ligger ovenfor skianlegg på Beitostølen. Deltagene får delta i aktiviteter som snowrafting,airboard og teambuilding. En actionfylt dag er garantert.
Ski lessons
Beitostølen Ski School teaches alpine skiing, cross country skiing, snowboarding and telemark skiing. We divide the students into level and dicipline. Lift tickets ar note included in the price
Sleep in a Snow Hole
The ultimate winter experience. Learn how to survive a night out in the Norwegian winter, and gain valuable survival skills.
Spend the night in a snow cave or tent. Learn how to cope with the snow and ice.
River walk / Canoyening
A short distance away from the center of Beitostølen you will find Raudalen and Gipa, where our gorge walk trips take place. Gorge walk involves walking up the canyon in the river, so you will get wet! During the trek we pass waterfalls of up to 100 m and other spectacular "photo moments" along the way.
Rock climbing
Mountain climbing is a way to experience what nature has to offer. You are left with an enormous feeling of mastery. The field we are climbing in can be found in about 5 minutes by car from the center of Beitostølen.
Are you a class contact or a teacher? We are happy to help you with planning and questions about Beitostølen.
Contact us today!
(+47) 924 84 564
School group rates for activities
Minimum 20 participants
Ski School
90 minutes lesson NOK220,- pr person
485 NOK pr. person
Team Building
435 NOK pr. person
High rope course
275 kr / pers.
7630kr / guide
Rock climbing
7630 kr / pr. guide
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Postboks 64,
2954 Beitostølen

Man -Lørdag:
kl 09:00 til kl 15:00
Vi i Beitostølen Skiskole setter stor pris på at dere har valgt oss
Vi i Beitostølen Skiskole setter stor pris på at dere har valgt oss. For å ivareta deres personvern og sikre at vi behandler deres data på en trygg og ansvarlig måte, ønsker vi å informere dere om vår tilnærming til personvern i samsvar med GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Our terms: By visiting and using this website (, you agree to the terms provided below.
Here are some important points:
1. Innsamling av personopplysninger:
We collect necessary personal information such as names, contact information, and any specifications related to the ski courses. We do this to provide you with the best possible service and tailor the instruction.
2. Bruk av personopplysninger:
Vi bruker informasjonen vi samler inn til å administrere skikursene og aktivitetene, sende relevant kommunikasjon og forbedre våre tjenester. Deres personopplysninger blir kun brukt til formålene de er samlet inn for.
3. Databehandling og lagring: Vi tar alle nødvendige forholdsregler for å beskytte deres personopplysninger. Dataene lagres sikkert og behandles kun av autorisert personell.
4. Deling av informasjon:
We only share your personal data with third parties when it is necessary to conduct the ski courses. This may include partners who provide equipment or other services.
5. Rettigheter:
You have the right to request access to your personal data, correction, deletion, or restriction of processing. Please contact us if you wish to exercise these rights at
We want to assure you that we take privacy seriously, and we are always available for any questions or concerns.
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